What We Do

Prisma Energy International Sdn. Bhd. specializes in Bonny light crude oil, with established and reputable partners. Our energy portfolio priorities includes:

i) Light crude oil and oil products

- Bonny Light Crude Oil (BLCO)

- Eastern Siberian Petroleum Oil (ESPO)

- Diesel, eg. EN590, Gasolis - D2

- Light Cycle Oil

- Jet Fuel

- Mazut

- Naphta

ii) Coal - CV48, CV50s to CV60s

iii) Anthracite


Our other business activities are centred around food security and innovation. These priorities include:

i) Essential food products

- Milk - Full cream powdered milk

- White rice

- Cane sugar

- Fructose corn syrup

- Stevia

- Wheat flour

ii) Cattle farming - beef and dairy industry

iii) Downstream fish industry - natural preparation and preservation

wheat field
Prisma Energy International

We are an energy and commodities trader serving local needs with global solutions.


+6-03-5879 5339